Monday, 11 January 2016

Buckeye, AZ and Riata West Subdivision Rental Market Data from 2013-2015

On the last post, we took a look  at Surprise, AZ and the subdivision of Western Meadows.

This week, we will analyze the rental market in Buckeye. We will go over the market data from 2013-2015 in the city of Buckeye and also review the rental figures in the subdivision of Riata West. 

Some adjacent Buckeye subdivisions to Riata West are Sonoran Vista, Rancho Vista and Ironwood Vista.

Riata West is west of Watson Rd, east of Apache Rd., south of Roeser Rd and north of Southern

All of our Buckeye rental market figures are taken from closed rental data from the Arizona MLS from 2013-2015.

This comparison will focus on all of the Buckeye rental market price and Buckeye rental property inventory data for 2015 and compare these numbers with the same data from 2013 and 2014.

The City of Buckeye rental market numbers show growth in rental price and a notable drop in rental home inventory from 2013 to 2015. In the Riatta West, the rental  property rental price data in the last 3 years shows a similar pattern.  The chart below displays the details.

The full year rental market inventory decrease was a substantial 38% in Buckeye, AZ from 2013-2015 according to our Surprise rental market numbers chart. The average property rental prices went up 11.7%. 

In Riata West, the rental price numbers mirrored the City of Buckeye at 11.1% rental price increase and a 43% rental market inventory decrease.

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