Real Property Management Phoenix (WV) studied the 85392, Avondale AZ zip code as well as the Crystal Gardens Avondale sub division to compare rental statistics.
All of Real Property Management Phoenix (WV) rental market figures for the 85392 zip code as well as the Crystal Gardens, Avondale subdivision are taken from closed rental data from the Arizona MLS from 2015-2018.
Below is the data compiled by Real Property Management (WV); the Crystal Gardens subdivision appears to be a close match in numbers to the 85392 zip code.
Reviewing the data from Real Property Management Phoenix (WV); the average rental price for the 85392 zip code increased 19% from 2015-2018 whereas Crystal Gardens increased 26% (a pretty hefty increase!). However the average days on market for the Crystal Gardens zip code has been a bit longer year over year than the 85392 overall average.
Overall the 85392 zip code is a preferred rental zip code to the 85323 Avondale zip code because it is North of the I-10 freeway which runs directly in the middle of Avondale.
A little about Avondale, Arizona...
- Avondale is located about 17 miles west of Central Phoenix.
- Avondale has a total area of 41.3 square miles according to the US Census Bureau.
- The majority of Avondale residents are married with at least a high school diploma.
- Avondale has ten elementary/middle schools, four high schools, and one community college within the city limits.
- Phoenix International Raceway (PIR) which seats 67,000 people and hosts two Nascar events each year is located in Avondale.
- Avondale ranked #5 in the US on the list of "Top 101 cities with the largest population increase from 2000 to 2006 (population 50,000+)".
- If you are an avid golfer, Coldwater Golf Club offers a challenging 18 holes of Championship golf. Coldwater was voted "Best Course to Play on a Budget"? by the Arizona Republic.
- Avondale is a rapidly expanding suburb in the Phoenix area that offers beautiful mountain views and is perfect for the outdoor lifestyle.
For all of your Phoenix Real Estate & Phoenix Property Management Needs Contact:
Real Property Management Phoenix (WV)
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