Today we will continue with another game show allusion. We will go over our rental numbers from the homes we manage in Surprise. This may help you determine your Surprise rental properties fortune.
RPM West Valley listed 31 properties for rent in Surprise in 2014. The property type breakdown was 29 Single Family Homes and 2 Condos/Manufactured Homes. The listing rental price was from $650 to $1695 with an average rental price of $1090 and a median price of $1099.
Focusing specifically the single family rental homes in Surprise in 2014, the average time on the rental market was 23.3 days and the median days on the market was 12 days. The average rental price was $1,113 and the median listing price was $1099.
There were four Single Family Rental Properties in Surprise that took over 30 days to rent because they were originally offered at prices higher than our recommendation. When they were subsequently brought down to our price recommended (and market rent) the houses rented quickly. Bringing these properties to average would put the average days on the market of our Surprise Single Family Rental Homes to a bit below 20 days.
In summary, there is a high probability we can rent a property Surprise in less than 30 days if we are able to price a rental home at market value. If you are having difficulties renting your property in Surprise, Arizona chances are you may have the rental property priced too high or may need a bit of help on the marketing side.
We do offer an aggressive marketing strategy for our property owners and have licensed and motivated leasing agents that can sift through the applicant pool quickly and get a qualified tenant in place for you.
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